Thursday, June 16, 2016

Why "Conundrum"?

The name of this blog might be confusing to some people.  When I was brainstorming names for this blog, I knew I wanted something cute, catchy and fun.  I had the "Cook's Classroom" part, but I needed another "C" word to finish it out.  I went to the dictionary - the old fashioned paper version!  I love having access to an online dictionary, but sometimes you just need to look it up in  a book!While searching the "C" pages, I came across the word conundrum and stopped.  It sounded fun and interesting, but I always thought a conundrum was some sort of a problem.  It had a negative connotation for me. Why would I want to name my blog something about problems?  I read the definition: a riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play on words - What is black and white and read all over? A newspaper.This was it!  I love puns! I love words!  Conundrum was perfect. So, there you have it.  That's why I named the blog Cook's Classroom Conundrum.  I love corny puns, and I love to share them with my kids. Do you have any favorite puns?  Cat puns are always funny : "My cat tripped and fell - What a CATastrophe!" Sometimes you just have to be there!In my classroom we read, write and have fun - especially with words!