Friday, April 15, 2016

Here We Go!

Welcome to my Blog!  I am a 5th grade educator of some amazing kids - past, present and future. I love teaching and came to this profession later in life than most - my own kids are well into their 20s.  You can do the math - that makes me a “digital immigrant” not a “digital native", so that makes this blogging journey a little scary for me.

 I’ve always admired people who can write and who are confident that they have something valuable to share. I never felt like I belonged in that category. It took me years to not be a “creeper” on facebook and finally get beyond "likes" and post a picture of my family!  So I have come to this task reluctantly and a little bit scared because this is way out of my comfort zone!

I have been inspired to write this blog first and foremost because my current learners have jumped on this blogging adventure with such excitement and confidence. They aren’t one bit apprehensive about people other than me reading their blogs and are sure that they have something valuable to share about their learning.  After reading over their first blog drafts, I have to agree. They will tell you that I always tell them to get out of their comfort zones and take a risk.  I think it’s time for this teacher to do the same!

This all started because I wanted a new way to run our Book Clubs.  I wanted to try something different that would be a valuable and engaging learning experience for my kids.  My first email was to our campus Digital Learning Coach.  She emailed me back almost immediately and had something to help me get started.  Alli P  is amazing, and I couldn’t do my job if it weren’t for her guidance, ideas and cheerleading! You can follow her on twitter @dlcoachalli.

Our new Book Clubs have started.  Please click the link below to read the blogs of some talented learners who are excited about reading!

Team Champion Reading Blogs